Saturday, December 12, 2009




这10 天在台湾的回忆是非常难忘及可贵!




第一天抵达,说真的,当我看到我们要住的房间,还蛮失望的!而且男生将会先抵达。华人男生也只有我一人,好闷哦~~ 不过,我很开心因为我可以说华语,沟通方面没什么大碍。那儿的老师也非常热情! 让我感觉好舒服,亲切!


接着,筱萍,Mei Ting, Belle 和 Li Ling 来了!她们真的在这10天里都陪伴我,大家一条心,互相帮助,互相说笑,非常开心!谢谢你们~ 起初我与她们的交情都不深,毕竟其中3位是我的学姐,比较少接触她们。不过,在这10天,我们变成了好朋友!



就在同一天的晚上诗涵和邦晋都不骑机车,陪我们走路去图书馆看戏。而且在另外一天,他们陪我们走路到大学门外!!! 因为我们想出去走走,他们陪我们一起走哦!路途还蛮远的哦~




Sam, 最关照我们的大哥!


筱萍,这次的trip 让我们的感情变得更要好!
我以前从没想过你也会有疯狂的一面,跟你在这个trip 真的玩得好开心。

Mei Ting, “马来西亚之光”!
可以说我每次只在course night 见过你。。。
从来不知道原来你和我可以玩得那么疯狂,become so friend!

Belle, 吸引最多狂蜂狼蝶的美女!
之前最深刻印象是你们找我们juniors 拍广告。

Li Ling, 一个想东西很周到的人。


muacks! =P









Saturday, October 17, 2009

i love Production










Shu Na…我一直都很相信你的眼光。多谢你每一次都给于我宝贵的指导。也谢谢你从旁给了很多关于镜头的意见及指导我们如何去解决某些问题。 当然也要谢谢的就是你每次都载我们,要跟你的‘小白’ 说谢咯!

SengSeng…道具组的,也是演员之一!造型和演技都是超‘杀’ 的!谢谢你带我入戏,有时帮我化妆,每一场你也来帮忙!真的很有创意。

Shu Qi…我们的秘书。出信,拍时间去拍摄。。。真的令你头都要爆炸 (一变成Red Brain Alien)。录影机的事也令你烦了一段时间。华语的对白也是要谢谢你的帮忙。

Poh Cheng…我们的costume & make up artist. 哈哈。也是其中一位演员。。还有可说是我的‘保姆 ’,嘻嘻!谢谢你帮我们化妆到那么美。对不起因为需要用到你roommate的家,还为你添加不少麻烦!而且还要你在猛烈的太阳下重复演跳上和在车上滚下来的戏,喝 syrup,弄到整头红印。。。辛苦了!

Qiao Li…和我一样非常开心参与这次的拍摄!对不起我没有给你机会演什么大角色。不过,谢谢你无时无刻都鼓励及支持我,给我信心。一直要你拿mic, 真的很累!还有借录影机。谢谢你每次催场,也帮忙我车祸那个scene。。。那时的我实在不知所措。

Yi Wen…其中一位差不多每一幕都有来的人,我们的editor! 你的精神让我佩服。你的乐观让我羡慕。你每次都很乐意的来,从没埋怨。虽然你很累,可是你还继续支持全部人!谢谢你在车祸那个scene帮我。

Li Yin…谢谢你安排交通给每个人。还有帮我写华语的剧本。自从同组后, 对你更认识了。听舒琪说上次你很怕因为还没有写华语的剧本,不知道如何跟我交代。哈哈!不用怕,我会明白的,毕竟大家都很忙。

Poh Peng…财政!现在还没收钱,因为还不需要。等要收时,就可知道她的威力了!你每次也是和依雯一样,都来看及支持我们全部组员!谢谢你的配合,临时要你演的角色,你也很乐意,没有任何怨言!

Yuen Kuan…你很厉害,不愧是KL人!会去很多地方! 哈哈!你帮忙settle 及找很多场地。载来载去,你的车很可怜,我真的要说声对不起,害到你的车镜花了,还要人跳上去。看得出你也很热心。。。谢谢你和你的车!

Chee Wai…音响要靠你哦!哈哈!别怕,我们会帮你的。昨天真的对不起,要你那么早出来,然后晚上才轮到你的scene!谢谢你愿意演Ah Soon 的朋友哦!

Kai See…Ceci!! 谢谢你做临时的演员。有时也抽空来帮忙拍摄!

Lai Ching…最近不知道你发生什么事,不过,你肯来帮忙已经很好了!拿mic也辛苦了!对不起如果你觉得很无聊。。。

Su Ann…当然要谢谢你载我们咯!由于我们大部分都没有车,真的谢谢你肯载我们。这样,一切就比较顺利了。

谢谢大家!我很开心能够与你们一起合作,一起玩,一起癫!希望有机会再合作! Production 万岁!我爱你们! ^^

p/s: 现在有几幕蛮重要的没有调到white balance, 真的很担心!可是一切太迟了。再一次对不起!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

So-called 'Funny' experience....

Okay...this is kinda embarrassing...haha

Today, I was going to go out to 'yum cha'. I was going to drive. When I reversed the car out from my house, I got down from my car because I wanted to close the gate. But then when I closed the car down, the car locked itself!!!

My house key, car key (coz i din switch off the engine, i think no one will anyway, coz i just wanna go down awhile to close the gate) and my handphone were inside the car. I was like...OMG...what shud I do?

I decided to borrow my neighbour's phone to call my dad. My dad, mum and sister went out shopping...they were at The Store. So they hv to drive all the way back to my house just to open the door for me to get the extra key...haha...Then continue to drive the car to go 'yum cha' (I m more alert of the car now...coz it's crazy...better not get out of the car without the car key in my

It's a great catch up with Jiayi, Pek Shi and Nai Woon (not really nai woon anyway, coz i always catch up with Long time din contact with them...Sui Wai was the one organize but he din come...haha...sounds weird rite? But coz his relatives suddenly treat him lunch, so it's hard for me to turn down.

Anyway, just a funny experience...not to say funny coz i dun wanna experience it again. Just that I always watch it on TV but nvr imagine that it could happen to me!
It did happen =)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

WengWeng 的童话世界也有下雨的一天


在班上,我得知我们那个×× ×××××是非常不公平!!!他不断地维护那群XXX!!!当不够我们辩驳时,就说不要提以往的事,要往前看! ℃#$$%¥##℃ 我真的很生气! 我们某些人做生做死,都得不到什么好处。反而那群XXX的功课都不知道有没有交,就有资格拿A?不断给不是理由的理由。看到就想吐!















Wednesday, August 12, 2009

1st Episode of MVP

The 1st episode of my group's live talk show had been aired yesterday, which is 12/8/2009, 10am-11am.

The situation was very nervous in the studio. Everyone was busy with their own jobs.

There were some mistakes here and there. I think the biggest 遗憾 is I failed to record the live show. I also dunno wat really happen to the recorder....arrghhhh!!! Our 1st episode was not recorded...T.T

Anyway, thanks to my groupmates! We all contributed to the live show!

Thx to you guys!

Monday, August 10, 2009









Saturday, August 1, 2009


I'm sick...

Assignments not yet finished...I really dunno how to do that assignment.

Exam is coming too...

Gosh, I feel very dizzy @.@

Thursday, July 30, 2009

MVP 运动达人

Hey peeps!

Check out my group's live talk show promo video~

Our live talk show is called 'MVP 运动达人'.

It may not be very good, and somemore i m not good in how to use those nice graphic software. However, just post it here to let u all watch. ^^

You all can watch it every Wednesday, 10-11am, at Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication or watch it online at, Aspirasi Putra, starting 12/8/2009.

Support oh!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I think you all had judged me wrong

Is it my fault that I created that problem to my group? Since tat day when they spitted it out (i m not sure was accidentally or intentionally), I started to think that why they will feel that way? Were they any choices for me not to make that decision before that?

How come they nvr think from my point of view? They just think that THAT is the reason but i can tell you that you all are wrong.

You all hv to think...what if i did the same to you or what if u all did the same to me? It's cruel. I admit i did cruel things b4...but I don't hope that what I did will happen back to me...

If you all wonder why I did that decision last time...Then think again...why u all juz accept wat I said? U all can juz make decision urself...majority wins rite? I'm ok with tat....

To choose between friendship n work...i dunno how to choose...2 of them hard to exist together in real society...really...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wake Up! my handphone... T.T

What a day~~~

Our group discussion for talk show went well. One thing that was not well was my handphone had spoiled. Dunno wat happen lo...I din do anything...but it shutted off itself and i couldn't press anything...

Haiz. I can't contact or reply anyone...

Daddy called me to buy a cheap 1 for spare. Ya, I reli need a handphone, a lot of work hv to contact thru handphone...assignments...discussion....

No matter wat the model long as i can contact ppl...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Boring Post again

I know, I know...

My blog is freaking boring...every living things in the world told me about that...

I think that I really lack of creativity.

To think deeply, I m really a boring person. Nothing really special happens in my life. Is that consider a good thing or a bad thing?

I just know that until now i still not able to improve and upgrade myself.

I guess it's time for me to be aware of it...

*slap myself* WAKE UP!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'll miss you, Edie Britt!

~*~In Loving Memory of Edie Britt~*~

"Edie Britt was sexy!" Gabrielle Solis
"Perceptive..." Bree Van de Kamp
"Strong!" Lynette Scavo
"Beautiful." Karen McClauskey
and lastly...
"One of a kind..." Susan Mayer

Yesterday 8TV showed the episode of my favourite TV show, Desperate Housewives where Edie Britt (starred by Nicollette Sheridan) passed away. She was the narrator for this episode. In the show, she had an car accident and the car hits the electric pole. She did not aware that the power was snapped and there was water underneath the car. She stepped out, received an electric shock and died a few minutes the center of attention (just like she lived).

On the journey to return the ashes and announce the death to his son, the housewives share their memories of Edie.

This is one of my favourite episode of Desperate Housewives because it was touching and meaningful. I like to watch Desperate Housewives because the way they carry out their stories are special and they are values about our lives in it.

In the end, Susan, Bree, Gaby, Lynette and Karen decided to spread her ashes around Wisteria Lane. Edie was at peace and had no regrets because she lived her life to the fullest. was so touching *sobsob* I'm gonna miss her in the show....

Here is a short clip for the ending of Desperate Housewives Season 5 Episode 19. Enjoy!
R.I.P Edie~

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Tagged by Pi Yao again =)

How many people have you had strong romantic feelings for this year?
i haven't dated b4...

Your number 1 walks out of your life, do you go after them?
think so...

Could you ever be friends with someone who hurt you badly?
i guess so~

Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
no lian rite?

Do you like to cuddle?
hmm...yes gua

When was the last time you were told you were cute?
dun rmb ler...long time ppl din tell me i m cute

Who did you text first this morning?
Pi Yao, Yean Tuck, Kar Leong

Are you missing someone?
all my good friends

Are there any saved birthday cards in your bedroom?
of coz...i din throw them

If you could go back in time, how far back would you go?
tough one...i reli dunno...maybe around when i was form 5 - form 6 that time...

Has anything happened to you in the past month that made you really mad?

Can you swim?
ya...but not very geng la...

What were you doing at 11:00 PM?
watching drama

Is there anything wrong with your eyes?
i m wearing spectacles...short-sighted

Are you happy right now?
just normal...haha

Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be?
maybe yes?

Is there something you're looking forward to?
too many

Have you ever kissed the last person you texted?
of coz no

The last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?
i also dun rmb the last person i kiss...or shud i say i nvr kiss b4? of coz maybe cheeks de got...but mouth to mouth de, never lo...

What's the 1st thing you do when you're mad?
keep quiet n cry in my room

Ever been called a bitch? a friendly n joking way

Honestly has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past week?

Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
i will ask if anyone wanna kiss me?

Who is on your mind?
all my good friends

How do you feel about your hair right now?
not so good

Have you ever had someone sing to you?
sing to me? guess no...i sing to myself la...

Three hours ago, were you touching a person of the opposite sex?

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
got it from choir national competition 2007

Last person who told you things were going to be okay?
dun rmb

Did you kiss or hug anyone today?

Where were you at midnight last night?

How's your heart lately?

When you were in elementary school, did you change best friends a lot?

Last thing you touched not computer-related?

Does the song you're currently listening to remind you of anyone specific?
pi yao..coz now opening her blog...then in her blog the song is playing...

Country or rock?
i prefer pop

Are you talkative?
among my friends...ya

Would you dye your hair?
i've dye-d my hair once

Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?

Who was the last boy/girl you talked to?
my sister

Who is your number one on MySpace?
i don't have MySpace

Do you have unlimited texting?
dun understand...

Do you listen to love songs when you’re down?

Did you date anyone this past summer?

Next vacation you’re going on?

Are your underwear and socks folded in your drawer or just thrown in?

Sleep on your back or stomach?

Shoe size?

What was the last TV show you watched?
"Tong Sum Fong Bou"

What did you last buy?
dun rmb

Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
an umbrella

What is your most important possession?
everything also important wo

What are your turn-offs?

If you could marry any celebrity today who would it be?
i would like to be a celebrity my own...not to marry a celebrity...hahaha

Thursday, May 28, 2009

~A very simple 20th birthday of mine~

As u all know (maybe some of u didn't know), yesterday was my 20th birthday.

How I celebrate? Hmm...nothing grand...juz a very simple 1...dun hv any surprises...hehe

I woke up as always. Then in the afternoon went out with my sis to get back her purse (long story...). Then daddy n mummy bought me a cake, they gave me a birthday card n an 'ang pau'. My sis gave me a birthday card also.

After finished blowing the candles n took photos, around 7.30pm, I went to Pizza Hut to meet with my friends. Not much ppl wanna come coz they r so busy. Or some of them not in Ipoh. (seriously, i tot that my friends bluffed me that they were not free n they would throw me a surprise. But it turned out that...i think too much...hahaha...silly me)

Chooi Lian, Mei Yeun, Yi Jun, Hui Lin came. Pi Yao dropped by awhile later. Then Christina came late. Others...not able to make it...i think... Maybe as Wye Yip said b4, all also dun wanna celebrate for me...LOL

After eating, we went for second round to "yum cha". Mei Yeun didn't join us coz she had to go home to teach his brother to do maths...sad...When I reached there, there was a cake for me and also a small birthday card for me. Thx guys! Around 11pm, Lian also gtg coz she wanted to go watch movie with other friends. Left me, Yi Jun, Christina and Hui Lin. I fetched Christina back home and the celebration was over.

That was my birthday...

Thx to Chooi Lian, Mei Yeun, Yi Jun, Hui Lin and Christina for treating me eat pizza, the cake n give me a small birthday card.

Thx to Pi Yao for dropping by awhile.

Thx to all my friends who wish me early, in time and late.

Thx to Poh Ling, Bing Jian, Wai Yin, Chooi Lian, Hao Phin and Pn Tong for the present u all gave me earlier b4 my bday. That's the only present I got....hmm..maybe not...Christina said she will give me my present next week...looking forward to it...Reli thx oh!

I will upload the photos soon.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tagged by Pi Yao (better play tis, if not i will be scolded by Pi Yao..hahaha)

1. Besides your lips , where is the favourite spot to get kissed ?
Neck maybe? ><

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning ?
Stuffy n hot...coz electricity broke down

3. Who was the last person / people you took a photo with ?
Choir friends (at Christina's bday party)

4. Would you consider yourself spoiled ?

5. Will you ever donate blood ?
Hope too...but still haven't tried b4

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex ?

7. Do you want someone to be dead ?

8. What does your last text message say ?
"Oh ya! 4get to say thx 4 inviting me oh! Hehe."

9. What are you thinking right now ?
Hmm...i wanna hv a drink...kinda thirsty

1o. Do you want someone to be with you right now ?
Ya...all my best friends lo

11. What was the time you went to bed last night ?
2am sumthing

12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now ?
Rac sis bought it for me in Australia

13. Is someone on your mind right now ?
A lot wo...

14. Who was the last person who text you ?

TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz :
1. Nai Woon
2. Chooi Lian
3. Ivan
4. Yixiang
5. Mei Yeun
6. Wai Yin
7. Hui Lin
8. Poh Ling
9. Siew Eng
10. Fum

15. Who is no.2 having a relationship with ?
i'm not sure

16. Is no.3 a male or a female ?

17. If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good?
err...dunno...juz feel

18. What is no.1 studying about ?

19. When was the last time you chatted with them ?
i lazy to remember back...there are 10 of them leh...-.-"

20.Is no.4 single ?

21. Say something about no.2
she is my best friend...cinderellian...haha

22. What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together ?
haha...will quarrel everyday gua...

23. Describe no.9
ah po...that's wat we called friend since primary. Always like to choose expensive place to eat...

24. What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight ?
tell them not to fight?

25. Do you like no.8 ?
another one of my best friend...of coz like lo...

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Yesterday I had a weird dream. I dreamed that I was being chased by a monster in a shopping mall. Of coz not just me alone, other people were running as well.

When I woke up, I felt exhausted. Really felt like I was tired of running for my life. Haha!

I seldom had nightmare...

Can't think of anything that triggered me to have nightmare too...


wanna wish Happy Birthday to a few friends here.

Happy Birthday, Nai Woon! (18/5)
Happy Birthday, Yean Tuck! (19/5)
Happy Birthday, Yik Hoe! (20/5)
Happy Birthday, Ah Bear! (21/5)

May all ur dreams come true!


My 'condolence' to Ivan coz as nai woon had said, his IPod Touch had "passed away" coz dropped into the water for 1 second!!! It's really sad when ur most precious thing that u used ur own money to buy had spoilt.

Ivan, we r always there for u...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I still like Faye Wong =)

Suddenly miss my idol's singing, Faye Wong. I hope she comes back singing.

So today I 心血来潮 search for Faye Wong in YouTube...

Then I found this, but then it's just in audio only. Although not perfect, she has great vocal. Check this out peeps! She sang "I Will Always Love You" in 1994.

Still support u Faye Wong! ^^

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

1st outing since I came back

Came back to Ipoh for about 3 days. It’s so relaxing. Haha…glad to have a break from a hectic life.

So, I went out for the first time today since I come back. I went to visit Sam Tet Choir. B4 proceeding to talk about choir, I feel that the students now in the school are so lucky. Now the library and teachers’ room had expanded. There is a roof for the basketball court. I personally feel that the environment of the school has become better compared to the days when I was in school. Haha…so students…do appreciate what you have now! XD

Ok, lets move back to the choir part. The attendance for today is not very good. But that’s something they hv to work out. However, I personally enjoy their singing. I m not sure why…maybe I didn’t join or expose to choir for so long since I study in university. Of coz there will be problems like the voice of girls and boys are not blend, controlling voices, rushing and so on. Maybe my 要求 had dropped…haha…I dunno what comment to give also coz I m not pro in music. I think I have to come a few more times then only I will noe what comments to giv. When I listen to their “Dirgahayu Tanah Airku”, I got goosebump…haha…dunno why..but I kinda like

However, expression really hv to work hard. Maybe the 2 foreign language songs they still haven’t mastered the lyrics, so they can’t feel n express well. I hope they will do well in this coming competition. It is important to master the techniques too, if not the songs will sound messy. Members, rmb that there’s only 1 chance to sing on stage. So, hv to practice hard to give it ur best when u all are on stage! Sorry that I can’t help them, I m not able to go there to support them but in my heart, there’s always hope for Sam Tet Choir.

Extra: I wonder why FCC and G said I m “爆音王”?? Did I always 爆音 meh? All the while I also think that I did my best n sing well lo (not to say I wanna be over-conbfident n proud), Actually kinda offended when they said that, coz I’m not! Anyway, I will not wanna argue with them, so I just smile. Haha.

Thx for reading~

Monday, April 20, 2009

My only hope to get A

Just finished "Interactive Speaking" exam....

That means I still left 1 more paper then my exam is over.

Talking about "Interactive Speaking" exam, I really hope to get an A for this subject. However, when I came out and discussed the questions with Siew Ching, I discovered that I made quite alot of careless mistakes...haiz...kinda disappointed with myself actually.

I could have done better!

Just hope for the best!

Please let my wish comes true!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Titanic + 心中疑问

Just finished watching 'Titanic'...

The movie really touched my heart...

I know this movie is so long ago...I watched it when I was in primary school.

But, it is indeed a very nice movie...

Watching all the people tried to escape, mothers tried to protect their children, loved ones had to separate...and those rich people who are so selfish!


I m emotional sometimes...that's me!

I recommend u all to watch this movie again! Hehe







Exam week

3 exams had overed, now just left 3 more...

Finally, our drama had finished editing n passed up.

I like the "feel" and message of our drama...dunno is becoz my group did it so i feel that our drama not bad.

Today watched another's group drama....their shots were very good. The same goes to the editing. ***五体投地*** 佩服 Brian, Soon Seng and others. U guys did a great job.

Just wanna say sorry to my group members if I did anything wrong or hurt anymore with my "words"....I was kinda bad-tempered during that period of time. Anyway, after looking at our drama, I feel quite satisfied. Although not perfect, at least we tried our best.

Once again, thx to my group members >>>Yi Wen, Shu Na, Qiao Li, Lai Ching, Ju Nee, Yuen Kuan and Kai See.

Another incident had happened, but i dunno how to tell it here. I just hope that everything will turn out fine.

Hope I will be selected to go for the dunno-what-i-should-call-it. However, I scare that my skills in shooting n editing are not good enough to teach ppl.

Next Sunday I can go back to Ipoh!

Ipoh! Wait for me to come back oh~~

Friday, April 3, 2009

just a quick update...

I finally able to log in facebook and play Pet Society!

Hehe...miss my pet so much! But too bad dun hv much time to earn more money to buy new furnitures for my pet!

Tonight will be rehearsal for dinner again...bored...hope this event quickly over!

I wanna go home as soon as possible...
But yesterday daddy told me that if my test until 24th, then 27th he only can come fetch me back.

Anyway, now i check that my exam at 24th is in the morning, so i may be going back immediately after exam! I hope this will work~~~

I just worry that the stupid college only allow us to return the room key at 26th only! HOPE NOT!!! If not...really ##%% them!


All I want is just a chance...

Hey friends!

I din blog for a few days coz i cnt log in blogspot, facebook in my room...

so u can imagine how boring my life can be...

Nai Woon even sms and asked me why i never feed and brush my pet in Pet Society? I hope to play but i really dun hv the i cant log in too...

I nearly lost contacts with most of friends coz my Window Live Messenger is not working. I can't sign in...until now i also cnt solve the problem, but I am currently using to sign in.

This afternoon went for drama shooting. Well, I acted as a shopkeeper in "100 Yen" at Bandar Sungai Long (we hv to promote the shop..hehe). At 1st i tot i can act as "gangster"...but then they changed it. I felt that I din do a good job...I felt that i m too fake n stiff...Anyway, hope the video will turn up good bah!

Then, Ju Nee and I rush back to UPM from drama shooting to do presentation for "Pertanian dan Manusia". On our way back was very "chi gik"...haha. Thx Ju Nee for accompanying me to go back for presentation, if not i really hv to present alone.

Lots had happened lately...some incidents cause me to have mix feelings.

Sometimes I want feel angry and sad about something, but then i choose not to coz I feel that it's my fault too.

All I hope is to have a chance to let me try...but they din give me...they set my real character as my stereotype...why? Why they always say i m not suitable?

Maybe I m too confident of myself...

Maybe when I do it, I will not do a good job...

Maybe their decision is right...

I choose to keep it for myself. Coz I m a timid person, I always do not bear to face the consequences!

I also want to tell them that I have had enough of doing "jap sao mei" de work!

once again, I still choose to keep it for myself...

Another thing...of coz is assignments!

Exam is coming...not yet study...still got lots of work is like never tiring...but i will still try to aim for my target! Gambateh to myself!

Just hoping that semester break comes quickly and I can forget about all the "ma fan" things.

Ipoh friends...really looking forward to come back 'yum cha' with u all~

*To my choir juniors - You all had tried ur best! I still support ST Voices.*

Hope that some day i will spread my wings like a butterfly!

Monday, March 30, 2009

No MSN = life meaningless??

A few days had passed...

I still can't sign in MSN...I wonder what happen to my laptop?

I checked the error code...such error code doesn't exist!

Maybe until my semester holidays also not able to sign in! Have to bring back to Ipoh to check my laptop...

Lost contact with many of my friends...especially Ipoh friends...drama friends...i can't even discuss assigments with coursemates thru troublesome!

Finally, documentary is finished. After few weeks of hardwork, shooting, editing...but the documentary didn't turn out to be good. *sigh*

Don't hv time ady...hv to proceed to the next assignment which is shooting drama...

still got lots of assignments haven't exam is coming also....

Last Sunday, there was a gathering for PAP members...glad to meet back my drama friends. However, some of them didn't come and some of them left early.

Banana, me, Elle, Wei Yee, Mei Fang, Charles and Su Yi had a lot of fun chatting together. Mei Fang who suggested it coz she said that it's hard for us to be able to gather together.

Tomorrow is choir competition in Ipoh, wish my school choir team all the best! I support ST Voices always...pray hard for them...

Tat's all....i still got assignment to do....bye people...thx for reading and catching up!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

烂 system!

Today, my course registration account still has not been activated!

Shu Na, Lee Hsien and I try to call our PA to activate our account...

Call Failed...voice mail...did not answer...


I even sms him but dun even hv any reply...

Please la~~~

I need to register and grab for places...


*fed up*

Course Regisration - FAILED!

I was so nervous coz it is the time to "grab" for places AGAIN for the subjects I want to take for the next semester.

11.59pm...I was prepared to click and register for my co-curiculum 1st, then French...coz this 2 will be hard to get...

12.01am...When i click "daftar".....

*Sila Jumpa PA anda (XXXX)*

Really ****!!!!

My PA not yet open my account! I can't register yet!

Oh gosh....I planned my timetable nicely ady and now i sked all the time and subjects i want will be fulled.

Why my fate has to be like this?

Looking at the quota of French slowly filling up but i can't register...*heart sinking*

I wonder when will my PA will open my account...

Really only 1 word can describe my feeling now...


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My sillyness

Finally! Finally! Finally!

Finally i can log in blogspot! I wanted to update my blog for a long time but i just can't log in...

Stupid line...

Yesterday, Siew Ching, Yi Wen, Daphne and I was supposed to discuss BBI sketch voice recording assignment but it turned out to be a ghost/horror/thriller movies discussion. fun...but 3 of them also sked...

Then back into my room, i was trying to export the clip...and i did it successfully! *impress of myself* haha


while half-way editing my clip...i misclick something...then some bar is missing and i cant find it back...(kinda complicated...hard to explain it here)

I have to reinstalled the programme AGAIN! That means i hv to redo and edit all my clips AGAIN!!! Aww....really S***! I quickly told Yi Wen in msn to come down n give me the programme immediately, so i can quickly redo my editing...

While I was redoing my stuffs....half-way fell asleep....when i woke's morning ady...tiring...

Now i m still redoing my editing...haiz

I wanna sleep! I wanna go back to Ipoh!

I really not happy lately! Can't u all feel it? Maybe u all did...maybe u all choose not to bother.

I also started to feel dun wanna bother...

What for i m so worry and u all just wait for each other's order or busy with other things.

It's my fault i did not take initiative too...




Wednesday, March 4, 2009

”很差啊!很无奈啊!" quoted Hung Wui =P

Last Saturday went to Jusco Balakong with Hung Wui. At first tot wanna go sing K, but then we forgot that weekend sing k very expensive. But Hung Wui got a half an hour coupon, so we were able to sing also...也爽啦!

We changed plan to go watch movie. Then we chose "Love matters". I tot it will be a good comedy show...but...*disappointed*

Hung Wui was sitting beside me and kept on saying, "很差啊!很无奈啊!” funny lo... ( I promise to quote what he said in here...haha)

We kept on picking all the unlogical stuffs and the acting of most of the actors 很衰样lo..

Haha...better dun critisize too much ler...i m sure all the casts and workers worked hard and tried their best too...

At night i went to find siew eng and he took me to go for dinner. The food there really quite siew eng Ipoh's standard...haha

This week is Bakti Siswa's camp ler...quickly over la...i m so tired of being pengarah program lo. I also dunno why they choose me...but the good is i get some experience in leading a group, although not a big one...

Drama script...i really cnt think of any good dialogue...这需要我站在不同的立场去想别人要讲什么,做什么。。。很烦

Hubungan etnik...haven't done also....

Poh Ling, i wanna go out eat with u de...i really got replacement class n lots of assignments...congratulate to you for able to perform well yesterday...i wish to sing too...

I used to sing everyday...for now, not anymore...i also dunno why...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I wonder am I happy now?

My idea...

..changed to something that is not what I want...not what I expected...

..the element that I wished to has gone...

I do not dare to protest...

...because I do not dare to face the consequences if the lecturer doesn't like the idea...

...because I scare that my groupmates will blame me for my stupid idea...

...because I m inexperience...

...because I lack of confidence...

...because it is a group work...

Sometimes I will think that is it all her opinions are correct? Do we always have to use her concept?

But before that, she really proves that she is great. Therefore, I chose to follow her idea...for the sake of myother group members...I do not want my group members to fall because of my stubbornness.

We have to compromise when we are working as a team right?

Assignments kept flowing in week by week...every assignment also has due date...every week also not free...

My friend asked me before, "你是迷真是甘忙啊? 你忙d 麽耶哦?"

The answer is positively "是!真是好多耶做啊!"

Monday, February 23, 2009

Miss everything...

23 February 2009...


I told Wern Yang tat i feel kinda depress...

And suddenly...

Tears suddenly rolled down my cheeks...

I dunno why...

Luckily i was alone in my room...there was no one to see me like this...

Maybe i miss home...daddy, mummy...sisters...friends in Ipoh...friends from drama...
Long time din keep in touch with most of my Ipoh friends...i wonder how are they doing? They will miss me too mah? or they already forget about me

Mix feelings...

Thx to Poh Ling for always calling me to share tears n joys with me...

Thx to Hung Wui for calling too...虽然认识你时间不长,但是你真够朋友!

Congratz to Shu Na, P. Yi Wen and Swee Nee! Dun feel sad Ju Nee...i m sure u did great too..

I did my assignment half-way...(not half-way exactly...just 1 paragraph..haha)...and i fell asleep...

24 February 2009...

Today wake mood is better ady^^

Life still goes on right?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fun weekend...although nothing special, still it was fun!

Daddy n Mummy came visit me last Saturday. Mummy brought alot of biskuts n drinks for me!!! Daddy wanted to take me out for dinner to eat chinese food. Daddy did not give up searching for chinese stall! We finally found one..hahaha. We really had a great time! Thx daddy n mummy...I suddenly miss u all very much...

After that, I went to K17 to find Xiu Sar gor aka banana aka Chin Guan. Too bad Hung Wui went back to hometown. I finally saw those cute little hamsters in the room. Although I sked to hold it, i still find them very cute...hehe

Chin Guan took me to walk around the faculty. Then we met Yee Ching. At 1st, Chin Guan wanna took me to a "creepy" place..but then Yee Ching very sked n pulled us back...hahaha! I also watched abit K17 Idol...not real competition yet..i think just audition or something like tat...

Chin Guan said 1.30am he will go watch football. But then after that he din go coz he said his friends watch different match. So he kept on watching the football results thru the net...and then he fell

On Sunday, Chin Guan n I went to The Mines to buy present for Charles' bday tonight. We both also very hungry coz we din eat breakfast. When we came back around 5pm, it rained. So we hv to run back to his room and we both get tired here run! Hung Wui came back in the evening n very shocked to see me! haha...i tot wanna gave him a surprise de... But he kept on saying he was quite down when coming back to UPM, maybe he misses home bah...^^

We decorated Charles' present, thx to banana la...he did most of the work. And later Ee Chyi n Eevonn came out from the chinese orchestra performance and went to the bday party together with us.

The party was kinda fun. Can't believe his parents came too. There was a game, but i din play. Pei Wen reli geng leh!!! she is my idol sporting! The most happy is get to meet all of the friends from the drama again. Hope there will be more gathering like this.

When we wanna leave, Hung Wui got abit stomachache leh. I think he is alright ady bah...wat a fun n happy weekend! A weekend without thinking about studies n assignments. I need to hv fun more often! Again, thx to banana gor for the stay! Hope i din cause too much disturbance...

I wanna upload some hamsters pictures but cnt...the line here sucks...

Today is Monday. sienz...*Yawn*

Shu na, swee nee, ju nee n yi wen got chinese debate competition. Wish them all the best!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pesta Ang Pau UPM 2009 ~乌拉! 乌拉~

Pesta Ang Pau UPM 2009 has finally come to an end. The same goes to the drama. Of coz there are good comments n many bad comments as well. I m sure no one would like to listen to bad comments but once again…the world is cruel…haha. People (including myself) will only look at the results and seldom look at the hard work n efforts that have been made. People will just comment, “Aww…that’s boring!”…this not good, that not good. As mentioned by shu na’s mother, “别人的事不要理,他们怎样想是他们的事”… I think I hv to change my attitude next time when I watch other ppl’s performance so that I will not end up like those ppl…haha

But there are ppl who like it too. Thx to my friends who enjoy the drama. I really happy that u all come support…kinda touched…seriously.

The most important is that I get the chance to take part n perform in such a big event. I enjoy every moment of it…although get some injuries, I can still stand it. Thx to the teacher for guiding us! I reli learned a lot from him.

The happiest is I get to know many new friends! I really miss them very much…SERIOUSLY again…lol… The feeling was like last time when I was in choir. All the people practice hard to achieve a target but at the same time maintain good friendships with each other.

Hung Wui, Pei Wen..i miss performing “乌拉小姐” with u both leh…haha..u both always 癫 with me de…

Chin Guan aka banana…xiu sar gor, my so called “twin brother”

Elle…女主角..always take her hp n record here record there…and take photos…haha

Kim Fong, Hui Ying n Yee Ching…三个可爱的乌拉人

Wen Yao…the old ppl…the make up reli very real lo…

Eevonn, Wei Yee, Chee Loung, Chuan Hen n 权…5 always take k of us n very nice 的助导

Charles…the fake muscles n abs…wahaha

Ivan, Rachel, Mei Fang…King n Queens…the most beautiful n handsome in 乌拉世界

Grace n Ah Hui…sell mandarins 的乌拉人…always 癫 with me also

And another 2 girls…sorry that I dun rmb the names…coz both of them kinda quiet…
But they act 乌拉人 too…

I miss u all very very much!!!

(For more photos, pls go visit my facebook)

But I dun think there is another chance for all of us to gather again…

I hate that feeling…

Makes me feel so lonely sometimes…

To tell the truth, when PAP ended and all of us packing at backstage preparing to leave…I felt like crying…felt like letting my tears to roll down my cheeks…but I didn’t. I didn’t wan u all to think that I m so emotional…

Hope we can still keep in touch! Promise k? Do find me go shopping, sing k or eat k?

Take k~ Friendship Forever


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Do "they" understand considerate?

When I was in primary school, I remember that in moral studies, our teacher used to teach us to be considerate. I still remember one of the situation given was we should not turn on the radio or television so loud because it may disturb our neighbours. It is very easy to understand, isn't it? Even primary students or maybe kindergarden students can understand this concept easily...However, I don't understand that why some university students, i emphasize again...UNIVERSITY students can't be considerate??

Today when i was taking a nap, i dunno which room's people turn on the radio very loudly....with their loud speaker!!! The whole floor also can listen to the loud musics! And i wanna tell you all...this is not the first time!!! Do u know how irritating is it? somemore they even sang loudly!!! AArrggghhh....this is so damn retarded!!! Do they buy the hostel all by themselves? Do they ever learn moral? As a university student, dun you think they should hv the mentality that match up to the level?

During today's lecture, we hv to copy notes. I admit that my copy-notes-skill is kinda slow, but i reli very fed up when dunno which freaking students who can copy till super fast kept on saying "NEXT!....NEXT!" when people were not yet finish copying! I felt so 'geram' for the whole class...

I dunno wat happen to me...ever since this 2nd semester started, my "hatred" to those "people" are deeper n deeper....everything they do seems to irritate me!!! everything they do are so so so RETARDED!!! SO FAKE!!! I already try to be more open-minded but currently i really just cnt do it!

I will work hard to prove myself! Dun think "you all" r so GREAT! I will steal back the SPOTLIGHT ALL BY MYSELF someday!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

First blog in 2009

It's 2009! This is my first post in 2009...haha

Talking about Chinese New Year, I had chicken pox the week before CNY!!! so unlucky...but also consider lucky la coz i mostly recovered during CNY...can't eat many delicious food...can't get to meet many of my friends...din get to meet my choir friends, ex-classmates...

Many ppl said i become more skinny...i wonder why...i sked my health status drop...hope not...

Lately really kinda lazy to blog...coz in uni, reli dun hv the time (if i really got free time i will use it to play Pet Society or msn-ing...haha). I m also busy practising drama for Pesta Ang Pau. Acting in drama is really not as easy as i think...really kinda disappointed when sometimes I can't do well n hv to do it again n again. Just hope that it will turn well on that day.

This semester my lecturers mostly kinda sucks...except a few...really sien when facing them...

Haiz...some of my good friends are going to move out from hostel starting next semester...i wonder i will be lonely tat time or not...

Whatever it is...dun want to worry about it 1st...tml got 1 exam, wish myself all the best!

I will try to blog again...stay tuned!!! lol